Education Statistics - Primary

Drop - out rate (%), primary
Drop - out rate (%), primary, female
Drop - out rate (%), primary, male
Duration of education, compulsory
Duration of education, primary
Entrance age, primary
Expected primary completion rate (% of population at theoretical entrance age)
Expected primary completion rate, female (% of population at theoretical entrance age)
Expected primary completion rate, male (% of population at theoretical entrance age)
Gender parity index (GPI), gross enrollment ratio in primary and secondary education
Gender parity index (GPI), gross enrollment ratio in primary education
Girls enrollment share (%), primary
Gross enrollment rate (%), primary, female
Gross enrollment rate (%), primary, male
Gross enrollment rate (%), primary, total
Gross intake rate to grade 1, female
Gross intake rate to grade 1, male
Gross intake rate to grade 1, total
Gross primary graduation ratio, female
Gross primary graduation ratio, male
Gross primary graduation ratio, total
Net enrollment rate (%), primary level, female
Net enrollment rate (%), primary level, male
Net enrollment rate (%), primary level, total
Net intake rate to grade 1, female
Net intake rate to grade 1, male
Net intake rate to grade 1, total
Out - of - school children, primary, female
Out - of - school children, primary, male
Out - of - school children, primary, total
Percentage of repeaters (%), primary
Percentage of repeaters (%), primary, female
Percentage of repeaters (%), primary, male
Primary completion rate, female
Primary completion rate, male
Primary completion rate, total
Private enrollment share (%), primary
Pupil - teacher ratio, primary
Student enrollment, primary, female
Student enrollment, primary, total
Survival rate to grade 5, female
Survival rate to grade 5, male
Survival rate to grade 5, total