Gross primary graduation ratio, female - Primary - Education Statistics

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Primary completion rate is the percentage of students completing the last year of primary school. The rate based on completers is calculated by taking the total number of completers in the last grade of primary school divided by the total number of children of official graduation age.
Gross primary graduation ratio, female - Primary - Education Statistics (Most Recent Data)




1St. Vincent and the Grenadines (2008)111.67
2Kazakhstan (2009)110.87
3Antigua and Barbuda (2007)110.29
4Syria (2008)107.6
5Armenia (2007)107.28
6Colombia (2008)106.7
7Grenada (2007)105
8Ecuador (2007)103.65
9St. Lucia (2006)103.08
10Georgia (2008)101.39
11Panama (2008)100.9
12Belize (2008)99.41
13Moldova (2008)99.38
14Serbia (2007)98.92
15Macau (2008)98.66
16Burma (2008)98.24
17Uzbekistan (2008)97.64
18Zambia (2008)97.33
19Qatar (2006)96.3
20Venezuela (2008)95.96
21Saudi Arabia (2007)94.63
22Bhutan (2009)94.54
23Cape Verde (2006)94.24
24Brunei Darussalam (2007)94.14
25Iran (2007)93.98
26Kyrgyzstan (2008)93.27
27Aruba (2007)93.22
28Tajikistan (2008)92.5
29Fiji (2008)92.11
30Belarus (2007)92
31Cuba (2008)91.89
32Kenya (2004)91.63
33Bolivia (2007)91.2
34Mongolia (2008)91.06
35Hong Kong (2008)90.29
36Dominica (2007)89.83
37Costa Rica (2008)89.65
38Kuwait (2005)89.31
39United Arab Emirates (2008)88.96
40Azerbaijan (2008)88.79
41Suriname (2008)87.9
42Trinidad and Tobago (2008)87.63
43El Salvador (2008)87.54
44Dominican Republic (2008)87.08
45Honduras (2008)86.89
46Lebanon (2008)86.55
47Ghana (2008)85.22
48Lesotho (2004)83.4
49West Bank and Gaza (2008)82.9
50Algeria (2006)82.48
51Mauritius (2008)81.74
52Cayman Islands (2008)78.92
53Oman (2008)78.44
54Morocco (2008)77.67
55Nicaragua (2008)74.93
56St. Kitts and Nevis (2008)74.04
57Guatemala (2008)73.86
58Cambodia (2008)72.03
59Nigeria (2007)69.49
60Laos (2008)66.29
61Iraq (2004)65.28
62Nepal (2005)64.02
63Republic of the Congo (2006)63.52
64Sao Tome and Principe (2004)56.67
65Cameroon (2008)55.67
66Mozambique (2008)52.16
67Bangladesh (2008)52.08
68Madagascar (2008)50.06
69Timor-Leste (2007)45.73
70Togo (2007)43.5
71Mali (2008)41.93
72Uganda (2008)41.93
73Eritrea (2007)41.73
74Maldives (2004)41.31
75Pakistan (2007)39.54
76Ethiopia (2008)38.82
77Guinea (2007)38.78
78Sudan (2005)36.44
79Benin (2004)33.26
80Senegal (2007)29.72
81Malawi (2008)25.6
82Democratic Republic of the Congo (2007)25.35
83Burkina Faso (2007)23.11
84Djibouti (2006)22.69
85Niger (2009)16.14
86Rwanda (2003)14.57
87Chad (2006)13.51
88Burundi (2006)13.01
89Mauritania (2008)9.65
Country Comparison Graph