Uruguay - Customs and duties

Uruguay's traditionally protectionist policies were relaxed as a result of the economic reforms of 1974. Average tariff rates fell from 139% in 1976 to 36% in 1982. In the past, the MERCOSUR common external tariff (CET) ranged from 6–20%. However, as of 2001, MERCOSUR has no CET because Argentina imposed unilateral changes in its tariff scheme. Actual maximum tariffs ranged from 0% to 27%. Excise taxes ranged from 10% to 30% on soft drinks, cosmetics, and motor vehicles; to 70% on tobacco, 80% on alcohol, and 133% for gasoline. Almost all goods can be imported into Uruguay without restrictions or licenses. There is also a value-added tax (VAT) of 23%.

Effective January 1995, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay formed the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR). This agreement allows duty-free trade between the four countries. Tariff preferences are also given to members of the LAFA. Uruguay also has a large number of bilateral investment agreements, mostly with EU countries.

Free trade zones operate in Colonia, Florida, Nueva Helvecia, Nueva Palmira, Rio Negro, Rivera, San Jose, and Montevideo.

Also read article about Uruguay from Wikipedia

User Contributions:

Hi there!
I wanted to know the basic tax levels and barriers for importing Italian and Spanish wines in Uruguay, at a business level.
I am putting my things in line and planning to relocate in UY within the next 2 years and would like to start my frameworks and preliminary studies to start my own businesses in the country.
Thank you very much

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