Dominican Republic - Foreign trade

Numerous free trade zones make the Dominican Republic attractive to export-import businesses. Some FTZ businesses moved to Mexico after the NAFTA agreement.

Clothing production brings in the majority of export revenues (32%), but the commodity market also supports the export of pig iron (7.8%), medical instruments (7.7%), sugar (5.6%), and electrical parts (5.1%). Dominican Republic imports include food, petroleum, cotton and fabrics, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.

Principal trading partners in 1998 (in millions of US dollars) were as follows:

Dominican Republic

United States 4,338 5,454 -1,116
Belgium-Luxembourg 103 24 79
United Kingdom 102 42 60
Germany 28 90 -62
Korea 28 122 -94
Italy 27 82 -55
France 26 32 -6
Spain 24 193 -169
Japan 20 242 -222
Mexico 13 330 -317
Venezuela 2 487 -485

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