Bangladesh - Domestic trade

Except for jute, tea, paper, garments, frozen shrimp, and a few other items, most of the commodities produced in Bangladesh are consumed inside the country. Normally, the farmers or fishermen sell to the wholesalers and they in turn sell to distributors and retailers. Industrial commodities for domestic consumption are distributed through the same procedure. The middlemen in the distribution process have often benefited from excessive profits, creating hardships for farmers and consumers. To meet this situation, the government has introduced mechanisms by means of which farmers can sell directly to cooperative agencies acting on behalf of buyers. The government has also set up fair-price shops for consumers. Much domestic trade in rural areas is conducted in the marketplaces, where farmers sell directly to consumers. About 60% of the domestic development budget comes from foreign aid.

Foreign products are imported by large commercial concerns located in the capital city of Dhaka or in the ports, and are then distributed through wholesalers and retailers. Normal business hours are between 9 AM and 5 PM , Sunday through Thursday, but most retail stores are open until 8 PM . Many private businesses are open on Saturday as well. Limited advertising is done through the newspapers, movie houses, handbills, and television.

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