Tunisia - Foreign trade

Tunisia's foreign trade is based upon the export of mineral and agricultural products, textiles, and chemicals in exchange for consumer goods, raw and processed materials, and agricultural and industrial equipment. Apparel, textiles, and leather are now the major exports. By 2000 their share of exports amounted to nearly half of total export value. The petroleum industry's share in Tunisian foreign trade dropped from a peak of 44% of the total in 1984 to only 12% in 2000.

Garments make up a large portion of Tunisia's export commodities are (38%). Other exports include crude petroleum (10.4%), chemicals (5.9%), manufactured fertilizers (4.6%), and vegetable oils (3.6%). In 2000 Tunisia's imports were distributed among the following categories: consumer goods. 12.0%; food, 5.9%; fuels, 10.6%; industrial supplies, 39.4%; machinery, 20.8%; and transportation, 11.4%.

The EU is the focus of Tunisia's foreign trade, accounting for an estimated 80% of exports and 71% of imports in 2000. France was the single largest trading partner, accounting for 23% of exports and 26% of imports in the same year. Principal trading partners in 2000 (in millions of US dollars) were as follows:


France 1,570 2,254 -684
Italy 1,346 1,637 -291
Germany 732 822 -90
Spain 317 342 -25
Belgium 302 301 1
Libya 211 320 -109
Netherlands 205 179 26
United Kingdom 128 207 -79
Turkey 55 157 -102
United States 42 395 -353
Also read article about Tunisia from Wikipedia

User Contributions:

Haley Smith
This was a great article they shold really have more of these.

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