Macedonia - Future trends

The Macedonian government has a long way to go before EU membership—which will fully integrate Macedonia with the developed economies of western Europe— can become a reality. However, the country has much to gain from the victory of Vojislav Kostunica at the Yugoslav presidential election in 2000 and the dismantling of the Serbian dictatorial regime. Peace in Kosovo will be particularly beneficial to the stability and, significantly, to the economy, of Macedonia. Foreign investors will be encouraged to enter the market, following the lead of the Greek investors, and, over time, traditional Yugoslavian demand for Macedonian goods and services should increase. Transit trade along the north-south corridor (connecting Serbia with Greece) and the west-east corridor (connecting Italy and Albania with Bulgaria and Turkey) should also benefit the country. Agreement may now also be reached on the Yugoslav succession—the division of the assets and liabilities of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia between its former republics. Finally, the expected EU membership of neighboring Bulgaria should be of major assistance to Macedonia's future efforts to join the union as a full member.

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