Angola - Economic sectors

Angola's total labor force for 1997 was estimated at 5 million, with 85 percent of the workforce engaged

in agriculture, and industry and services with 15 percent. Despite the large segment of the population in agriculture, it contributed only 13 percent to GDP in 1998. Industry contributed 53 percent, and services provided 34 percent of GDP in the same year, according to the CIA World Factbook.

The most important industries are petroleum, diamonds, fish, and fish processing. Other significant industries are iron ore, phosphates, feldspar, bauxite, uranium, gold, cement, basic metal products, food processing, brewing, tobacco products, and sugar textiles.

Agricultural products include bananas, sugarcane, coffee, sisal, corn, cotton, manioc, tobacco, vegetables, plaintains, livestock, forest products, and fish. The most important of these agricultural products for export are coffee, sisal, timber, and cotton. However, agricultural

production in Angola has been severely reduced by the civil war. The majority of agriculture is now subsistence farming . The industrial sector has likewise been reduced, with oil as the sector's only growing industry. This is important for the economic development of Angola, but is not enough to create sustainable development, and leaves Angola's economy vulnerable to fluctuating oil prices.

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