Poverty gap at urban poverty line (%) - Poverty rates - Poverty - World Development Indicators

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Poverty gap at urban poverty line is the mean shortfall from the poverty line (counting the nonpoor as having zero shortfall) as a percentage of the national urban poverty line. This measure reflects the depth of poverty as well as its incidence.
Poverty gap at urban poverty line (%) - Poverty rates - Poverty - World Development Indicators (Most Recent Data)




1Argentina (2002)28.5
2Democratic Republic of the Congo (2005)26.2
3Colombia (1999)26
4Bolivia (2002)23.8
5Zambia (2004)22
6Madagascar (2005)19.3
7Mozambique (2003)18.9
8Brazil (2003)17.8
9Guinea-Bissau (2000)17.5
10Dominican Republic (2004)12.9
11Tajikistan (2003)12.5
12Peru (2004)12.4
13El Salvador (2002)11.1
14Ethiopia (2000)10
15Mongolia (2002)9.2
16Honduras (2004)9.1
17Ecuador (1998)9
18Uruguay (1998)8.6
19Yemen (1998)8.2
20Benin (2003)8
21Costa Rica (2004)7
22Kyrgyzstan (2005)7
23India (2000)6.9
24Bangladesh (2005)6.5
25Burkina Faso (2003)5.1
26Pakistan (1999)5
27Burma (2005)4
28Uganda (2006)3.5
29Ghana (2006)3.1
30Jordan (2002)2.9
31Malawi (2005)2.8
32Bosnia and Herzegovina (2002)2.8
33Mexico (2002)2.79
34Kenya (2006)2.5
35Morocco (1999)2.5
36Albania (2005)2.3
37Nepal (2004)2.2
38Kazakhstan (2002)2
39Sri Lanka (2002)1.7
40Vietnam (2002)1.3
41Cambodia (2004)1.2
Country Comparison Graph