Education Statistics - Tertiary

Female share of graduates in agriculture (%, tertiary)
Female share of graduates in education (%, tertiary)
Female share of graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction (%, tertiary)
Female share of graduates in health (%, tertiary)
Female share of graduates in humanities and arts (%, tertiary)
Female share of graduates in science (%, tertiary)
Female share of graduates in services (%, tertiary)
Female share of graduates in social science, business and law (%, tertiary)
Female share of graduates in unknown or unspecified fields (%, tertiary)
Gender parity index (GPI), gross enrollment in tertiary education
Girls enrollment share (%), tertiary
Girls graduates share (%), tertiary
Graduates in agriculture (% of total graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in agriculture, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in education (% of total graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in education, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction (% of total graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in health (% of total graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in health, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in humanities and arts (% of total graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in humanities and arts, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in science (% of total graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in science, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in services (% of total graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in services, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in social science, business, law (% of total graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in social science, business, law, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in unknown or unspecified fields (% of total graduates, tertiary)
Graduates in unknown or unspecified fields, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary)
Graduates, tertiary, female
Graduates, tertiary, total
Gross enrollment rate (%), tertiary, female
Gross enrollment rate (%), tertiary, male
Gross enrollment rate (%), tertiary, total
Gross tertiary graduation ratio (first degree), female
Gross tertiary graduation ratio (first degree), male
Gross tertiary graduation ratio (first degree), total
Private enrollment share (%), tertiary
Student enrollment, tertiary, female
Student enrollment, tertiary, total