School life expectancy (years), male - Other - Education Statistics

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Expected years of schooling is the number of years a child of school entrance age is expect to spend at school, or university, including years spent on repetition. It is the sum of the age-specific enrolment ratios for primary, secondary, post-secondary non-tertiary and tertiary education.
School life expectancy (years), male - Other - Education Statistics (Most Recent Data)




1Australia (2008)20.36
2New Zealand (2008)18.53
3North Korea (2008)17.84
4South Korea (2008)17.84
5Ireland (2008)17.68
6Iceland (2008)17.06
7Netherlands (2008)16.73
8Norway (2008)16.66
9Finland (2008)16.47
10Greece (2007)16.35
11Denmark (2007)16.21
12Cuba (2008)16.2
13Slovenia (2008)16.06
14Libya (2003)16.05
15Liechtenstein (2008)16
16Spain (2008)15.9
17France (2008)15.84
18Italy (2007)15.81
19Germany (1996)15.74
20High income: OECD (2008)15.72
21Belgium (2008)15.67
22Switzerland (2008)15.64
23United Kingdom (2008)15.63
24Euro area (1999)15.6
25Canada (2002)15.58
26High income (2008)15.47
27Japan (2008)15.24
28Portugal (2007)15.2
29United States (2008)15.14
30Lithuania (2008)15.09
31Czech Republic (2008)15.03
32Austria (2008)15.03
33Uruguay (2007)14.95
34Israel (2008)14.94
35Sweden (2008)14.88
36Hungary (2008)14.84
37Macau (2008)14.73
38Poland (2007)14.69
39Estonia (2008)14.67
40Chile (2007)14.63
41Argentina (2007)14.58
42Kazakhstan (2008)14.57
43Seychelles (2008)14.34
44Romania (2008)14.31
45Ukraine (2008)14.28
46Latvia (2008)14.27
47Slovakia (2008)14.23
48Belarus (2007)14.19
49Cyprus (2008)14.17
50Tunisia (2008)14
51Malta (2007)14
52Ecuador (2008)13.99
53Bolivia (2007)13.89
54Hong Kong (2005)13.87
55Saudi Arabia (2008)13.79
56Netherlands Antilles (2002)13.78
57Palau (2000)13.68
58Mexico (2008)13.66
59Brunei Darussalam (2008)13.63
60Russia (2008)13.61
61Brazil (2008)13.61
62Bahrain (2006)13.58
63Tonga (2004)13.52
64Croatia (2007)13.49
65Bulgaria (2008)13.44
66Mauritius (2008)13.38
67South Africa (1998)13.31
68Latin America & Caribbean (developing only) (2008)13.3
69Peru (2006)13.29
70Grenada (2005)13.25
71Upper middle income (2008)13.23
72Luxembourg (2006)13.15
73Azerbaijan (2008)13.14
74St. Vincent and the Grenadines (2005)13.12
75Jamaica (2008)13.1
76Lebanon (2008)13.1
77Venezuela (2008)13.08
78Colombia (2008)13.07
79Serbia (2008)13.06
80Gabon (1999)13.05
81Europe & Central Asia (developing only) (2008)13.05
82Marshall Islands (2003)13.02
83Aruba (2008)12.99
84Iran (2008)12.93
85Panama (2007)12.9
86Jordan (2008)12.89
87Indonesia (2008)12.84
88Fiji (2005)12.79
89Liberia (2000)12.78
90Mongolia (2008)12.69
91Algeria (2005)12.67
92Georgia (2008)12.64
93West Bank and Gaza (2008)12.56
94Cayman Islands (2008)12.55
95Maldives (2006)12.54
96Bermuda (2005)12.53
97St. Lucia (2008)12.49
98Belize (2004)12.47
99Turkey (2008)12.41
100Botswana (2006)12.31
101Tajikistan (2008)12.29
102El Salvador (2008)12.22
103Kyrgyzstan (2008)12.17
104Macedonia (2007)12.16
105Guyana (2008)12.15
106Malaysia (2007)12.15
107St. Kitts and Nevis (2005)12.07
108Dominica (2008)11.98
109Thailand (2008)11.94
110Kiribati (2005)11.91
111Kuwait (2006)11.9
112Qatar (2008)11.89
113Western Samoa (2001)11.87
114Comoros (2004)11.63
115Middle East & North Africa (developing only) (2005)11.62
116Namibia (2008)11.62
117Philippines (2008)11.61
118Moldova (2008)11.61
119Paraguay (2007)11.58
120Uzbekistan (2008)11.57
121Bhutan (2008)11.54
122Costa Rica (2005)11.51
123Armenia (2007)11.44
124Dominican Republic (2004)11.36
125Trinidad and Tobago (2005)11.28
126New Caledonia (1985)11.27
127Egypt (1993)11.22
128Suriname (2002)11.22
129Middle income (2008)11.2
130Afghanistan (2004)11.19
131Albania (2004)11.18
132Cape Verde (2004)11.17
133China (2008)11.16
134Morocco (2007)11.14
135Oman (2008)11.11
136Iraq (2005)11.02
137Guatemala (2007)11.01
138United Arab Emirates (2003)10.95
139Honduras (2008)10.83
140Andorra (2008)10.82
141India (2007)10.81
142Vietnam (2001)10.79
143Vanuatu (2004)10.68
144East Asia & Pacific (developing only) (2003)10.67
145Cameroon (2008)10.64
146Low & middle income (2007)10.63
147Lower middle income (2007)10.63
148Yemen (2005)10.6
149Nicaragua (2003)10.59
150Swaziland (2006)10.58
151Uganda (2008)10.55
152Madagascar (2008)10.45
153Cambodia (2007)10.44
154Sao Tome and Principe (2008)10.2
155Republic of the Congo (2003)10.17
156Syria (1994)10.14
157Lesotho (2006)10.07
158Ghana (2007)10.01
159Guinea (2008)9.98
160Benin (2001)9.97
161South Asia (2006)9.94
162Laos (2008)9.89
163Kenya (2005)9.86
164Nepal (2002)9.8
165Nigeria (2005)9.76
166Zimbabwe (2003)9.47
167Solomon Islands (2006)9.36
168Rwanda (2005)9.2
169Equatorial Guinea (2000)9.14
170Mozambique (2005)9.07
171Mali (2008)9.06
172Ethiopia (2008)9.05
173Malawi (2007)9.01
174Gambia (2004)8.93
175Democratic Republic of the Congo (2007)8.88
176Low income (2006)8.58
177Sierra Leone (2001)8.51
178Burundi (2006)8.49
179Sub-Saharan Africa (developing only) (2005)8.42
180Bangladesh (2007)8.03
181Mauritania (2006)7.97
182Senegal (2008)7.82
183Zambia (2000)7.59
184Chad (2005)7.58
185Central African Republic (2008)7.58
186Ivory Coast (2000)7.55
187Pakistan (2008)7.51
188Guinea-Bissau (2000)7.48
189Eritrea (2004)6.53
190Burkina Faso (2008)6.39
191Tanzania (1999)5.4
192Djibouti (2007)5.29
193Niger (2008)4.95
194Angola (1998)4.85
Country Comparison Graph