School life expectancy (years), female - Other - Education Statistics

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Expected years of schooling is the number of years a child of school entrance age is expect to spend at school, or university, including years spent on repetition. It is the sum of the age-specific enrolment ratios for primary, secondary, post-secondary non-tertiary and tertiary education.
School life expectancy (years), female - Other - Education Statistics (Most Recent Data)




1Australia (2008)20.89
2New Zealand (2008)20.22
3Iceland (2008)19.69
4Cuba (2008)19.21
5Ireland (2008)18.09
6Norway (2008)18
7Finland (2008)17.7
8Slovenia (2008)17.61
9Denmark (2007)17.54
10Libya (2003)16.97
11Spain (2008)16.86
12Lithuania (2008)16.84
13Estonia (2008)16.8
14Italy (2007)16.76
15Netherlands (2008)16.69
16United Kingdom (2008)16.65
17Greece (2007)16.61
18United States (2008)16.58
19Argentina (2007)16.55
20Latvia (2008)16.54
21France (2008)16.46
22Uruguay (2007)16.45
23High income: OECD (2008)16.41
24Sweden (2008)16.35
25Canada (2002)16.33
26Belgium (2008)16.25
27High income (2008)16.12
28Euro area (1999)15.93
29Israel (2008)15.88
30Czech Republic (2008)15.84
31Poland (2007)15.81
32Portugal (2007)15.8
33Seychelles (2008)15.77
34Hungary (2008)15.73
35South Korea (2008)15.73
36North Korea (2008)15.73
37Kazakhstan (2008)15.61
38Germany (1996)15.52
39Slovakia (2008)15.51
40Palau (2000)15.41
41Austria (2008)15.38
42Romania (2008)15.35
43Venezuela (2008)15.33
44Switzerland (2008)15.3
45Iran (2008)15.17
46Bahrain (2006)15.13
47Belarus (2007)15.04
48Ukraine (2008)15.03
49Tunisia (2008)15.03
50Japan (2008)14.9
51Qatar (2008)14.77
52Malta (2007)14.76
53Netherlands Antilles (2002)14.73
54Russia (2008)14.59
55Jamaica (2008)14.43
56Chile (2007)14.42
57Ecuador (2008)14.34
58Brazil (2008)14.33
59Brunei Darussalam (2008)14.28
60Mongolia (2008)14.26
61Croatia (2007)14.2
62Cyprus (2008)14.17
63Panama (2007)14.02
64Lebanon (2008)14
65Latin America & Caribbean (developing only) (2008)13.94
66Tonga (2004)13.86
67Serbia (2008)13.86
68Bulgaria (2008)13.86
69Mauritius (2008)13.85
70Mexico (2008)13.83
71St. Vincent and the Grenadines (2005)13.81
72Macau (2008)13.79
73Bermuda (2005)13.72
74Upper middle income (2008)13.72
75South Africa (1998)13.7
76Hong Kong (2005)13.69
77Peru (2006)13.68
78Liechtenstein (2008)13.61
79West Bank and Gaza (2008)13.58
80Colombia (2008)13.54
81Bolivia (2007)13.53
82Aruba (2008)13.5
83Grenada (2005)13.49
84St. Lucia (2008)13.45
85Luxembourg (2006)13.41
86Jordan (2008)13.34
87Fiji (2005)13.25
88Dominica (2008)13.21
89Saudi Arabia (2008)13.13
90Europe & Central Asia (developing only) (2008)13.11
91Kuwait (2004)13
92Kyrgyzstan (2008)13
93Azerbaijan (2008)12.9
94Algeria (2005)12.88
95Suriname (2002)12.87
96Malaysia (2007)12.79
97Kiribati (2005)12.74
98Cayman Islands (2008)12.65
99Thailand (2008)12.64
100Georgia (2008)12.59
101St. Kitts and Nevis (2005)12.53
102Indonesia (2008)12.53
103Dominican Republic (2004)12.51
104Western Samoa (2001)12.49
105Moldova (2008)12.47
106Armenia (2007)12.44
107Macedonia (2007)12.44
108Botswana (2006)12.43
109Belize (2004)12.41
110Guyana (2008)12.35
111Maldives (2006)12.35
112Gabon (1999)12.27
113United Arab Emirates (2003)12.27
114Andorra (2008)12.15
115Philippines (2008)12.13
116Namibia (2008)12.06
117El Salvador (2008)12.02
118Honduras (2008)12.01
119Costa Rica (2005)11.96
120Paraguay (2007)11.92
121China (2008)11.64
122New Caledonia (1985)11.62
123Trinidad and Tobago (2005)11.57
124Albania (2004)11.36
125Cape Verde (2004)11.27
126Turkey (2008)11.2
127Uzbekistan (2008)11.18
128Oman (2008)11.17
129Bhutan (2008)11.02
130Nicaragua (2003)10.95
131Middle income (2008)10.85
132Middle East & North Africa (developing only) (2005)10.58
133East Asia & Pacific (developing only) (2003)10.54
134Lesotho (2006)10.44
135Tajikistan (2008)10.43
136Uganda (2008)10.3
137Guatemala (2007)10.26
138Sao Tome and Principe (2008)10.19
139Vanuatu (2004)10.03
140Low & middle income (2007)10.02
141Madagascar (2008)9.99
142Swaziland (2006)9.97
143Vietnam (2001)9.95
144Lower middle income (2007)9.94
145India (2007)9.76
146Comoros (2004)9.76
147Kenya (2005)9.38
148Morocco (2005)9.35
149Rwanda (2005)9.33
150Ghana (2007)9.32
151Egypt (1993)9.31
152Liberia (2000)9.22
153Cambodia (2007)9.22
154Zimbabwe (2003)9.02
155Cameroon (2008)8.86
156Syria (1994)8.82
157Malawi (2007)8.79
158Solomon Islands (2006)8.73
159South Asia (2006)8.68
160Republic of the Congo (2003)8.49
161Laos (2008)8.46
162Iraq (2005)8.35
163Gambia (2004)8.26
164Bangladesh (2007)8.25
165Nigeria (2005)7.95
166Mauritania (2006)7.87
167Nepal (2002)7.81
168Ethiopia (2008)7.45
169Burundi (2006)7.41
170Mozambique (2005)7.37
171Low income (2006)7.28
172Senegal (2008)7.23
173Guinea (2008)7.2
174Sub-Saharan Africa (developing only) (2005)7.03
175Equatorial Guinea (2000)7.03
176Mali (2008)6.83
177Zambia (2000)6.76
178Yemen (2005)6.6
179Benin (2001)6.28
180Democratic Republic of the Congo (2007)6.21
181Pakistan (2008)6.03
182Sierra Leone (2001)5.96
183Tanzania (1999)5.26
184Burkina Faso (2008)5.26
185Central African Republic (2008)5.1
186Ivory Coast (2000)5.04
187Guinea-Bissau (2000)4.81
188Afghanistan (2004)4.51
189Eritrea (2004)4.51
190Chad (2005)4.4
191Djibouti (2007)4.14
192Angola (1998)3.95
193Niger (2008)3.63
Country Comparison Graph