Loses from Direct Export Due to Breakage or Spoilage (%) - Enterprise Survey Indicators

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Loses of the products shipped to international markets while in transit due to breakage or spoilage, computed as percentage of the consignment values.
Loses from Direct Export Due to Breakage or Spoilage (%) - Enterprise Survey Indicators (Most Recent Data)




1Angola (2006)15
2Gambia (2006)5.36
3Nigeria (2007)4.2
4Philippines (2009)4.08
5Tonga (2009)3.8
6Uganda (2006)3.72
7Swaziland (2006)3.7
8Democratic Republic of the Congo (2006)3.49
9Sierra Leone (2009)3.17
10Guinea (2006)2.65
11Tanzania (2006)2.54
12Republic of the Congo (2009)2.35
13Senegal (2007)2.33
14Bhutan (2009)2.21
15Chad (2009)2.04
16Nepal (2009)1.93
17Gabon (2009)1.85
18Ghana (2007)1.68
19Peru (2006)1.68
20Samoa (2009)1.65
21West Bank and Gaza (2006)1.61
22Mali (2007)1.6
23Lebanon (2009)1.57
24Cameroon (2009)1.47
25Kenya (2007)1.43
26Vietnam (2009)1.36
27Panama (2006)1.31
28Honduras (2006)1.18
29Guinea-Bissau (2006)1.12
30Ecuador (2006)1.11
31South Africa (2007)1.01
32Albania (2007)0.92
33Mexico (2006)0.86
34Micronesia (2009)0.83
35Mauritania (2006)0.83
36Rwanda (2006)0.82
37Algeria (2007)0.77
38Burkina Faso (2009)0.74
39Fiji (2009)0.73
40Zambia (2007)0.59
41Mozambique (2007)0.59
42Yemen (2010)0.59
43Egypt (2007)0.57
44Botswana (2006)0.57
45Lesotho (2009)0.56
46Malawi (2009)0.55
47Madagascar (2009)0.54
48El Salvador (2006)0.51
49Nicaragua (2006)0.49
50Bulgaria (2007)0.49
51Indonesia (2009)0.44
52Bangladesh (2007)0.44
53Colombia (2006)0.42
54Niger (2009)0.41
55Paraguay (2006)0.4
56Bolivia (2006)0.38
57Mauritius (2009)0.33
58Argentina (2006)0.33
59Guatemala (2006)0.31
60Togo (2009)0.3
61Vanuatu (2009)0.3
62Pakistan (2007)0.27
63Uruguay (2006)0.2
64Jordan (2006)0.19
65Cape Verde (2009)0.18
66Syria (2009)0.14
67Namibia (2006)0.13
68Morocco (2007)0.1
69Ethiopia (2006)0.09
70Ivory Coast (2009)0.08
71Brazil (2009)0.06
72Chile (2006)0.04
73Croatia (2007)0.02
74Burundi (2006)0
75Benin (2009)0
76Eritrea (2009)0
77Laos (2009)0
78Timor-Leste (2009)0
Country Comparison Graph