Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, end period) - Prices - Basic Inds. and Nat. Accts - African Development Indicators

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Official exchange rate refers to the actual, principal exchange rate and is an annual average based on monthly averages (local currency units relative to U.S. dollars). Source: World Bank country economists
Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, end period) - Prices - Basic Inds. and Nat. Accts - African Development Indicators (Most Recent Data)




1Zimbabwe (2008)250,000
2Sao Tome and Principe (2008)16,130
3Guinea (2008)5,161
4Zambia (2008)4,908
5Sierra Leone (2008)3,042
6Uganda (2008)1,949
7Madagascar (2008)1,860
8Tanzania (2006)1,080
9Burundi (2005)1,000
10Somalia (1989)929.5
11Mali (2008)626.9
12Benin (2007)572.1
13Chad (2008)564.17
14Rwanda (2008)555.1
15Togo (2005)538.35
16Ivory Coast (2008)486
17Niger (2007)481.6
18Burkina Faso (2008)479.15
19Republic of the Congo (2008)471.34
20Equatorial Guinea (2008)471.34
21Gabon (2008)471.34
22Senegal (2008)471.33
23Central African Republic (2008)471
24Democratic Republic of the Congo (2005)431.28
25Cameroon (2008)422.11
26Guinea-Bissau (2008)421.77
27Comoros (2007)383.92
28Mauritania (2008)265.6
29Djibouti (2006)177.72
30Malawi (2008)140.6
31Cape Verde (2008)120
32Nigeria (2007)118
33Kenya (2008)77.71
34Angola (2008)75.13
35Algeria (2008)65.79
36Liberia (2008)64
37Mauritius (2008)31.58
38Mozambique (2008)25.68
39Gambia (2008)22
40Eritrea (2007)15.38
41Lesotho (2008)10
42Ethiopia (2008)9.96
43South Africa (2008)9.3
44Swaziland (2008)9.3
45Morocco (2008)8.1
46Botswana (2008)7.84
47Namibia (2008)7.09
48Seychelles (2008)5.6
49Egypt (2008)5.35
50Sudan (2008)2.18
51Tunisia (2007)1.22
52Ghana (2008)1.21
Country Comparison Graph