Access to an all-season road (% rural population, AFTTR definition) - Infrastructure - Development outcomes - African Development Indicators

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Note: these data are provided by the Africa Transport unit, based upon the methods explained below. In what follows, "RAI" stands for "rural access indicator". All figures are estimates of the percentage of rural population living within 2 kilometers of an all-season road. Extrapolation based on sampling: Physical data on population and roads generated in former surveys were used to extrapolate the RAI. The level of confidence is rated as good. GIS RAI was computed using geo-referenced population and classified road network. Limitations are due to assumptions on the passability of the classified network as well as the absence of non-classified network. The level of confidence is rated as fair. Partial spatial estimate: RAI was physically measured in a sample of rural areas through geo-referencing of all roads and villages. Limitations come from possible lack of robustness of the sampling process. The level of confidence is rated as fair. Source: World Bank Africa Transport Sector.
Access to an all-season road (% rural population, AFTTR definition) - Infrastructure - Development outcomes - African Development Indicators (Most Recent Data)




1Zambia (2007)51
2Guinea (2005)37
3Ethiopia (2008)33
4Niger (2008)33
5Benin (2003)32
6Democratic Republic of the Congo (2003)26
7Burkina Faso (2003)25
8Madagascar (2008)22
9Sierra Leone (2006)22
10Tanzania (2006)16
11Mozambique (2007)12
Country Comparison Graph