Uganda - Agriculture

Uganda's economy is predominantly agrarian; 36% of the GDP, 81% of the employed labor force, and 31% of export earnings are derived from the agricultural sector. A total of 6,810,000 ha (16,828,000 acres), or one-third of the land area, is under cultivation. Subsistence production remains the pattern; 70% of the area under cultivation is used to produce locally consumed food crops. Women provide over half of agricultural labor, traditionally focusing on food rather than cash crop production. The monetary value of market crops is exceeded by the estimated value of subsistence agriculture. Plantains, cassava, sweet potatoes, and bananas are the major food crops. In 1999, food production estimates included plantains, 9.4 million tons; cassava, 3.4 million tons; sweet potatoes, 2.5 million tons; bananas, 600,000 tons; millet, 638,000 tons; corn, 780,000 tons; sorghum, 454,000 tons; beans, 220,000 tons; and potatoes, 449,000 tons.

Although coffee is still the primary export earner for Uganda, with receipts in 2001 at $51.3 million, 11% of total exports. Production of robusta, which was cultivated by the Baganda before the arrival of the Arabs and British, and some Arabica varieties of coffee provides the most important single source of income for more thanonemillion Ugandan farmers and is the principal earner of foreign exchange. Export crop production reached a peak in 1969. Estimated production of major cash crops in 1999 included coffee, 198,000 tons; cotton (lint), 15,000 tons; tea, 26,000 tons; raw sugar, 125,000 tons; and tobacco, 7,000 tons. Roses and carnations are grown for export to Europe.

Also read article about Uganda from Wikipedia

User Contributions:

Okot Agiro Gabriel
This article is good and gives an overview of agriculture in Uganda.

Though women provide half of the labor in producing for this sector, they are maginalised as far as Land ownership is concern. They have alot of domestic responsibilities/roles despite active in agronomic practices. All these are most evidenced in rural towns/villages where land for agriculture is not a problem except struggle for it and in Karamoja where best areas/lands for agricultural practices are unreacheable due to cattle rustling; thugery; inter-ethnic and clan conflicts; though climatic issues are natural issues which human have no control over it.
Dear sir I have really liked this article, as an undergraduate in agriculture and finalist, i found it very enriching for my literature review. I wish more useful information of this nature is availed to the internet copntinously. Great!
lydia mukisa
dear sir,i'm really impressed with this article. as a finalist student i can find it vital for my literature review.thank you.but then, sir i would like you to feel me in about the improved bean species because my research is based on it.
Its a nice article and i was requesting you to help with the types,importances and problems +solutions of agriculture please.I will be glad if am considered.
Namarome Cossy
This is a nice article. Can you go further and give us the area covered per crop in Uganda. Crops like tea, cotton, coffee. plantains, maize seseame etc

The article is good but we need more reaseached data about agriculture more especially on success stories, major challenges faced by farmers and how to over come them.
thank you Alice

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