Cape Verde - Media

In 2002, Cape Verde had 60,935 main line telephones with an additional 28,119 cellular phones in use throughout the country. There were 11 FM radio stations in 1998 and 3 television stations by 2002. In 2002, there were about 100,000 radios and 15,000 television sets nationwide Broadcasts are in Portuguese and Crioulo. One Internet Service Provider offered service for 8,000 users in 2001.

There are no daily newspapers. The government-run Novo Jornal-Cabo Verde (2002 circulation 5,000) is published twice per week. Other periodicals include the weekly A Semana (5,000) and Boletim Informativo (1,500).

The Constitution of Cape Verde provides for free expression, and the government is said to uphold this right generally. Government authorization is not needed to establish newspapers, other printed publications, or electronic media.

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