Croatia - Country history and economic development

600. Croatians begin settling in the area of present-day Croatia.

679. The first international treaty is signed between Croatian Duke Borko and Pope Agathur.

810-23. Duke Ljudevit Posavski establishes a powerful state in what is present-day northern Croatia.

925. Tomislav, the unifier of the territories of Pannonia, Croatia, Dalmatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, is crowned the first Croatian king.

1102. After the death of Petar Svacic, the last Croatian king, Croatia enters into a union with Hungary.

1527. By the decision of the Croatian Assembly, Ferdinand of the Hapsburg dynasty is elected to the Croatian throne; massive migrations of Croatians (especially to Burhenland, Austria, and Molise, Italy) begin.

1815. After a short period under the rule of the French emperor Napoleon, almost the entire territory of present-day Croatia becomes a part of the Austrian Hapsburg monarchy.

1847. Parliament adopts Croatian as the country's official language, replacing Latin.

1848. Ban (Viceroy) Josip Jelacic defends Croatia against Hungarian attempts to occupy the country and unites all the Croatian provinces. Serfdom is abolished.

1903. Anti-Hungarian and anti-Austrian riots erupt, causing some 50,000 Croatians to leave for the United States.

1918. After the downfall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in World War I, Croatia becomes part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, later proclaimed Yugoslavia.

1941. German and Italian forces occupy Yugoslavia during World War II and dismantle the country; a pro-Nazi government is installed in Croatia. The country becomes a German puppet state resisted by Croatian anti-fascists led by Josip Broz Tito.

1945. After World War II, the Federated Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia is proclaimed, consisting of 6 republics, including Croatia. Marshal Tito is made president and holds office until his death in 1980. Yugoslavia is aligned with the Soviet Union until 1990.

1990. The first multi-party elections since World War II take place in Croatia and are won by the CroatianDemocratic Union. The Croatian Assembly elects Dr. Franjo Tudjman as the first president.

1991. Croatia proclaims independence from Yugoslavia. A Serbian rebellion starts in Krajina, supported by the Yugoslav National Army from Belgrade and resulting in the occupation of one-third of Croatian territory.

1992. Croatian independence is recognized by the world and the Republic of Croatia becomes a member of the United Nations.

1995. Croatia recaptures Krajina from the Serbs, and the war in Croatia officially ends.

1998. The last Serb-occupied region of Croatia, located in its eastern part which includes the city of Vukovar, is peacefully integrated into the country.

2000. Croatia becomes a member of the World Trade Organization.

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