Puerto Rico - Agriculture

Puerto Rico lacks arable flat lands and natural resources. The only truly abundant resources on the island are clay, sand, and limestone. Despite these drawbacks, Puerto Rico depended heavily on agriculture until the mid-1950s, when industry and services showed rapid growth and development. Sugar, exported in large quantities to the United States, was the primary cash crop . Other major crops were coffee and tobacco. The production of these 3 crops has declined considerably since the 1950s, although sugar production is still important for the production of rum and molasses. Despite expansion in dairy products, livestock, poultry and eggs, and exotic citrus fruits, the importance of the agricultural sector has diminished. In addition, tropical and hard woods supply a very small furniture industry on the island. From an environmentalist standpoint, deforestation rates are almost nonexistent. Game fishing exists in the coastal regions, but most of the island's fish come from the U.S. fishing industry in waters closer to Africa. These U.S. fleets bring their catch to Puerto Rico to be processed and exported.

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i like this...It has helped me with my homework and with my m.o.. I hope that there are other websites out there to help me with da rest.!!1
Thanks!! Amazing article. Helped me w/ a school project.
santos bermudez, BS
Interesting. My father worked the sugar fields and a day was from sun-up to sun-down regardless of how many hours where involved. He would make $26 average weekly pay. I wanted to go to school but had to bring him lunch then go to school. I worked the garden and so did my mother in order to have enough food on the table for four brothers. It was hard but happy, now I am retired, my parents long gone and one brother gone too. My kid brother has an acre of land and I am working it like we used to do. I went to college, became an industrial/commercial electrician in New York but my roots ran deeper than asphalt and here I am. Sweet peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pole beans and cilantro are my current crops.

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