Antigua and Barbuda - Country history and economic development

1632. English settlers arrive from St. Kitts and colonization begins.

1674. The first large-scale sugar plantation established.

1736. Major slave uprising led by Prince Klaas.

1834. Complete freedom granted to slaves.

1939. The first trade union is formed on advice of British officials.

1943. Vere C. Bird becomes president of the Antigua Trades and Labour Union.

1951. Universal adult suffrage introduced; the Antigua Labour Party (ALP) led by Vere C. Bird comes to power.

1967. Antigua, Barbuda, and Redonda become an associated state with Britain.

1971. ALP voted out of office.

1972. Sugar industry goes into dormancy.

1974. Antigua and Barbuda joins CARICOM.

1976. ALP returned to office.

1981. Antigua and Barbuda obtains its political independence from Britain.

1994. Vere C. Bird hands over ALP to his son, Lester Bird.

1995-99. Series of hurricanes damage the islands' infrastructure .

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