Trademark applications, total - Technology - Infrastructure - World Development Indicators

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Trademark applications filed are applications to register a trademark with a national or regional Intellectual Property (IP) office. A trademark is a distinctive sign which identifies certain goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise. A trademark provides protection to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services, or to authorize another to use it in return for payment. The period of protection varies, but a trademark can be renewed indefinitely beyond the time limit on payment of additional fees.
Trademark applications, total - Technology - Infrastructure - World Development Indicators (Most Recent Data)




1Low & middle income (2006)1,815,399
2Middle income (2006)1,750,931
3High income (2008)1,223,790
4High income: OECD (2008)1,112,364
5Lower middle income (2006)1,096,947
6East Asia & Pacific (2008)755,285
7China (2008)669,088
8Upper middle income (2008)558,047
9Latin America & Caribbean (2007)440,687
10Europe & Central Asia (2008)317,547
11Euro area (2008)316,397
12United States (2008)294,070
13North Korea (2008)137,461
14South Korea (2008)137,461
15South Asia (2006)132,894
16Brazil (2008)119,841
17Japan (2008)119,448
18India (2006)103,419
19Mexico (2008)84,287
20Germany (2008)80,865
21France (2008)79,206
22Turkey (2008)76,333
23Argentina (2007)73,717
24Australia (2008)59,370
25Russia (2008)57,165
26Spain (2008)55,586
27Indonesia (2006)52,649
28Canada (2008)45,619
29Chile (2007)44,320
30Low income (2001)38,818
31United Kingdom (2008)35,705
32Thailand (2008)35,422
33Ukraine (2008)33,019
34Switzerland (2008)31,514
35South Africa (2008)29,833
36Belgium (2008)28,897
37Malaysia (2008)26,027
38Peru (2008)24,825
39Hong Kong (2008)24,230
40Colombia (2007)23,994
41Venezuela (2000)23,703
42Poland (2008)20,609
43Portugal (2008)20,325
44Singapore (2008)18,263
45New Zealand (2008)17,582
46Middle East & North Africa (2008)16,421
47Norway (2008)16,324
48Philippines (2008)15,834
49Romania (2008)15,578
50Sweden (2008)14,998
51Pakistan (2008)14,872
52Israel (2008)13,801
53Czech Republic (2008)13,106
54Ecuador (2007)12,605
55Costa Rica (2007)11,754
56Montenegro (2008)11,689
57Uruguay (2008)11,501
58Belarus (2008)11,454
59Guatemala (2007)11,003
60Bulgaria (2008)10,853
61Panama (2008)10,716
62Greece (2008)10,598
63Croatia (2008)10,324
64Serbia (2008)9,479
65Paraguay (1993)9,419
66Kazakhstan (2008)8,407
67Bangladesh (2007)8,232
68Denmark (2008)8,015
69Hungary (2008)7,903
70Macau (2008)7,678
71Honduras (2007)7,403
72Finland (2008)7,328
73Slovakia (2008)7,267
74Moldova (2008)6,643
75Lithuania (2008)6,332
76Italy (2008)6,181
77Bahrain (2008)6,116
78Bolivia (2007)6,081
79Nicaragua (2007)5,975
80Sri Lanka (2008)5,916
81Azerbaijan (2008)5,609
82Bosnia and Herzegovina (2008)5,538
83Georgia (2008)5,441
84El Salvador (1997)5,388
85Austria (2008)5,216
86Dominican Republic (2007)5,208
87Slovenia (2008)5,192
88Ireland (2008)5,183
89Latvia (2008)5,101
90Uzbekistan (2008)5,007
91Vietnam (2008)4,971
92Macedonia (2008)4,890
93Armenia (2008)4,735
94Estonia (2008)4,652
95Iceland (2008)4,597
96Albania (2008)4,596
97Liechtenstein (2008)4,524
98Monaco (2008)4,474
99Yemen (2007)4,375
100Morocco (2008)4,367
101Kyrgyzstan (2008)3,966
102Iran (2008)3,468
103Egypt (2008)3,340
104Cyprus (2008)3,317
105Cuba (2008)3,041
106Tunisia (1996)2,884
107Cambodia (2007)2,866
108Turkmenistan (2008)2,819
109Syria (2008)2,757
110Algeria (2008)2,489
111Saudi Arabia (1989)2,339
112Tajikistan (2008)2,284
113Nigeria (1990)2,006
114Angola (1992)1,976
115Mongolia (2008)1,936
116San Marino (2008)1,869
117Netherlands Antilles (2008)1,854
118Oman (2008)1,847
119Kenya (2008)1,729
120Brunei Darussalam (1997)1,714
121Jamaica (2007)1,708
122Trinidad and Tobago (2002)1,657
123Lebanon (1974)1,636
124Kuwait (1993)1,546
125Haiti (1999)1,456
126Madagascar (2008)1,318
127Barbados (1999)1,250
128Mozambique (2008)1,240
129Malta (2008)1,236
130Jordan (1989)1,197
131Zambia (2008)1,159
132Namibia (2008)1,139
133Nepal (2007)1,132
134Mauritius (1998)1,108
135Sudan (2008)1,075
136Antigua and Barbuda (2008)1,028
137Laos (2003)1,024
138Andorra (2008)1,021
139Sierra Leone (2008)1,017
140Swaziland (2008)1,004
141Iraq (1986)988
142Bhutan (2008)946
143Botswana (2008)920
144Lesotho (2008)910
145Fiji (1986)817
146Belize (2008)805
147Malawi (2006)804
148Liberia (2008)781
149Qatar (1989)721
150Ethiopia (2007)719
151Democratic Republic of the Congo (1996)709
152Papua New Guinea (2007)612
153Bahamas (1992)593
154St. Lucia (2001)592
155Aruba (2002)580
156Suriname (2007)570
157Tanzania (2007)556
158Mali (1982)394
159Gambia (2007)327
160Libya (1979)255
161Uganda (1992)249
162Rwanda (2007)238
163Seychelles (2003)212
164Dominica (2007)204
165Samoa (2007)159
166Maldives (2007)155
167Burundi (2002)152
168Guyana (1990)142
169Sao Tome and Principe (2007)128
170St. Vincent and the Grenadines (1996)124
171Tonga (2002)106
172Kiribati (1999)105
173Somalia (1984)73
174Ghana (2008)61
175Solomon Islands (1989)38
176Grenada (1984)34
177Burkina Faso (2005)30
178Guinea (1991)20
179Guinea-Bissau (2007)6
180Cape Verde (1992)1
181Zimbabwe (2001)1
Country Comparison Graph