Trademark applications, direct nonresident - Technology - Infrastructure - World Development Indicators

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Trademark applications filed are applications to register a trademark with a national or regional Intellectual Property (IP) office. A trademark is a distinctive sign which identifies certain goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise. A trademark provides protection to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services, or to authorize another to use it in return for payment. The period of protection varies, but a trademark can be renewed indefinitely beyond the time limit on payment of additional fees. Direct nonresident trademark applications are those filed by applicants from abroad directly at a given national IP office.
Trademark applications, direct nonresident - Technology - Infrastructure - World Development Indicators (Most Recent Data)




1Low & middle income (2005)289,076
2Middle income (2005)275,505
3High income (2008)201,585
4High income: OECD (2008)160,495
5Latin America & Caribbean (2006)134,396
6Lower middle income (2005)128,798
7Upper middle income (2008)124,282
8East Asia & Pacific (2008)96,515
9China (2008)60,704
10Euro area (2008)38,490
11Europe & Central Asia (2008)32,526
12United States (2008)32,105
13Mexico (2008)27,695
14Canada (2008)25,579
15Belgium (2008)23,429
16Brazil (2008)21,973
17North Korea (2008)20,423
18South Korea (2008)20,423
19South Asia (2005)19,934
20Argentina (2007)18,465
21Hong Kong (2008)16,149
22Indonesia (2006)16,005
23South Africa (2008)13,564
24Malaysia (2008)13,474
25Chile (2007)13,473
26Thailand (2008)13,472
27India (2005)12,361
28Japan (2008)10,941
29Australia (2008)10,443
30Venezuela (2000)10,390
31Russia (2008)10,350
32Colombia (2007)9,876
33Peru (2008)9,845
34New Zealand (2008)9,252
35Philippines (2008)8,865
36Uruguay (2008)7,096
37Macau (2008)7,054
38Ecuador (2007)6,527
39Singapore (2008)6,445
40Panama (2008)6,309
41Costa Rica (2007)5,882
42Vietnam (2005)5,134
43Guatemala (2007)5,048
44Honduras (2007)5,034
45Nicaragua (2007)4,780
46Switzerland (2008)4,705
47Pakistan (2008)4,686
48Italy (2007)4,490
49Turkey (2008)4,326
50Bolivia (2007)4,208
51United Kingdom (2008)4,012
52Ukraine (2008)3,875
53Germany (2008)3,829
54El Salvador (1997)3,689
55Paraguay (1993)3,461
56Bangladesh (2007)3,230
57Israel (2008)3,143
58France (2008)3,062
59Norway (2008)2,997
60Bahrain (2008)2,927
61Middle East & North Africa (1984)2,926
62Sri Lanka (2008)2,595
63Yemen (2007)2,441
64Cambodia (2007)2,322
65Kazakhstan (2008)2,220
66Tunisia (1996)1,900
67Spain (2008)1,899
68Saudi Arabia (1989)1,883
69Angola (1992)1,883
70Zimbabwe (1996)1,779
71Brunei Darussalam (1997)1,608
72Sudan (2007)1,503
73Oman (1994)1,418
74Algeria (2006)1,415
75Morocco (2006)1,365
76Iran (2004)1,356
77Trinidad and Tobago (2002)1,317
78Haiti (1999)1,306
79Lebanon (1974)1,301
80Namibia (1993)1,257
81Belarus (2008)1,234
82Kenya (2006)1,187
83Egypt (1984)1,141
84Barbados (1999)1,123
85Jamaica (2007)1,114
86Serbia (2008)1,101
87Poland (2008)1,081
88Bosnia and Herzegovina (2008)1,073
89Portugal (2008)1,043
90Croatia (2008)1,031
91Laos (2003)970
92Slovakia (2008)949
93Ireland (2008)941
94Lesotho (1996)903
95Azerbaijan (2008)896
96Cyprus (2008)859
97Romania (2008)823
98Austria (2007)820
99Czech Republic (2008)816
100Greece (2008)789
101Albania (2008)788
102Jordan (1989)783
103Uzbekistan (2008)779
104Belize (2008)770
105Bulgaria (2008)753
106Mozambique (2007)746
107Denmark (2008)733
108Malta (2008)733
109Moldova (2008)733
110Dominican Republic (1983)722
111Sweden (2008)717
112Netherlands Antilles (2008)705
113Georgia (2008)700
114Andorra (2008)696
115Fiji (1986)680
116Qatar (1989)664
117Iceland (2008)655
118Mauritius (1998)633
119Finland (2008)624
120Swaziland (1992)616
121Nigeria (1990)614
122Tajikistan (2007)612
123Cuba (2008)586
124Malawi (2006)582
125Zambia (2001)582
126Botswana (1982)566
127Hungary (2008)552
128Syria (1982)548
129Bahamas (1992)540
130St. Lucia (2001)538
131Papua New Guinea (2007)536
132Nepal (2007)520
133Iraq (1986)514
134Kyrgyzstan (2008)511
135Tanzania (2007)509
136Armenia (2008)504
137Aruba (2002)491
138Madagascar (2008)455
139Suriname (2007)451
140Macedonia (2004)437
141Kuwait (1974)427
142Democratic Republic of the Congo (1996)397
143Lithuania (2008)395
144Mali (1982)393
145Latvia (2008)384
146Turkmenistan (2006)380
147Monaco (2008)379
148Estonia (2008)374
149Ghana (1994)358
150Slovenia (2008)333
151Liberia (1993)305
152Ethiopia (2007)293
153Gambia (2007)285
154Mongolia (2006)277
155Liechtenstein (2008)262
156Libya (1979)254
157Rwanda (2007)224
158Uganda (1992)223
159Seychelles (2003)196
160Sierra Leone (1995)187
161Burundi (2002)132
162Bhutan (2007)131
163Samoa (2007)130
164Guyana (1990)129
165Sao Tome and Principe (2007)128
166St. Vincent and the Grenadines (1996)124
167San Marino (2006)111
168Tonga (2002)105
169Kiribati (1999)105
170Dominica (2007)76
171Somalia (1984)63
172Solomon Islands (1989)38
173Grenada (1984)34
Country Comparison Graph