Trademark applications, aggregate direct - Technology - Infrastructure - World Development Indicators

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Trademark applications filed are applications to register a trademark with a national or regional Intellectual Property (IP) office. A trademark is a distinctive sign which identifies certain goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise. A trademark provides protection to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services, or to authorize another to use it in return for payment. The period of protection varies, but a trademark can be renewed indefinitely beyond the time limit on payment of additional fees. Aggregate direct trademark applications are those filed by applicants without regard to the residency of the applicant. This figure is used when the national office does not provide a breakdown by direct resident and direct nonresident applications.
Trademark applications, aggregate direct - Technology - Infrastructure - World Development Indicators (Most Recent Data)




1Brazil (2007)105,320
2India (2006)103,419
3South Asia (2006)103,419
4Germany (1993)38,206
5Italy (1989)29,609
6Argentina (1965)28,225
7United States (1963)24,391
8Vietnam (2006)23,058
9China (1981)23,004
10East Asia & Pacific (1981)23,004
11Algeria (1966)15,215
12United Kingdom (1962)14,210
13Singapore (1996)13,899
14Switzerland (2003)11,822
15Canada (1974)11,384
16Mexico (1974)9,516
17Australia (1972)9,204
18Belgium (1973)7,663
19Colombia (1985)7,320
20Greece (2003)6,816
21Dominican Republic (2007)5,208
22Cyprus (2003)4,593
23South Africa (1960)4,546
24Denmark (1961)4,196
25Peru (1964)3,786
26Macau (2003)2,040
27Nigeria (1985)1,631
28Kuwait (1993)1,546
29Panama (1974)980
30Trinidad and Tobago (1993)957
31Ghana (1963)790
32Zambia (1967)768
33Haiti (1981)744
34Sudan (1972)544
35Morocco (1962)483
36Mauritius (1974)252
37Gambia (1974)104
38Lesotho (1989)98
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