Patent applications, nonresidents - Technology - Infrastructure - World Development Indicators

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Patent applications are worldwide patent applications filed through the Patent Cooperation Treaty procedure or with a national patent office for exclusive rights for an invention--a product or process that provides a new way of doing something or offers a new technical solution to a problem. A patent provides protection for the invention to the owner of the patent for a limited period, generally 20 years.
Patent applications, nonresidents - Technology - Infrastructure - World Development Indicators (Most Recent Data)




1High income (2006)432,777
2High income: OECD (2006)416,073
3United States (2006)210,062
4East Asia & Pacific (2005)84,311
5China (2005)80,155
6Japan (2006)72,661
7Upper middle income (2001)48,428
8North Korea (2006)40,940
9South Korea (2006)40,940
10Canada (2006)37,927
11Australia (2006)24,156
12Brazil (2006)20,487
13Mexico (2006)14,976
14Europe & Central Asia (2006)13,770
15Germany (2006)13,372
16Russia (2006)9,858
17Singapore (2006)8,759
18United Kingdom (2006)8,582
19Israel (2006)7,263
20New Zealand (2006)5,248
21Norway (2005)4,843
22Indonesia (2005)4,069
23Philippines (2004)2,539
24Ukraine (2006)2,418
25Serbia (2002)1,282
26Vietnam (2000)1,210
27Egypt (2005)1,008
28Austria (2006)745
29Poland (2006)655
30Netherlands (1996)633
31Algeria (2006)608
32Ecuador (2005)580
33Trinidad and Tobago (2006)551
34Morocco (2005)521
35Sweden (2006)420
36Macedonia (2004)415
37Turkey (2003)383
38Belarus (2004)382
39Switzerland (2006)375
40Iceland (2006)330
41Spain (2006)329
42Georgia (2006)299
43Hungary (2006)209
44Finland (2006)205
45Czech Republic (2006)195
46Cuba (2005)191
47Denmark (2006)191
48Uzbekistan (2006)186
49Sri Lanka (1996)180
50Bosnia and Herzegovina (2006)162
51Croatia (2006)122
52Mongolia (2006)110
53Kazakhstan (2003)102
54Slovakia (2006)90
55Luxembourg (2005)64
56Romania (2006)62
57Bulgaria (2006)48
58Slovenia (2004)42
59Madagascar (2006)40
60Latvia (2006)38
61Portugal (2006)36
62Lithuania (2006)35
63Kenya (1999)30
64Malawi (2000)17
65Turkmenistan (1998)16
66Kyrgyzstan (2001)14
67Moldova (2006)9
68Estonia (2006)9
69Tajikistan (2004)2
70Armenia (2005)2
Country Comparison Graph