Condom use, population ages 15-24, female (% of females ages 15-24) - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

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Target 6.A: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS
Condom use, population ages 15-24, female (% of females ages 15-24) - Millennium Development Goals Indicators (Most Recent Data)




1Jamaica (2004)66
2Namibia (2006)54.8
3Grenada (2005)54
4St. Kitts and Nevis (2007)48
5South Africa (2002)46.1
6Swaziland (2007)44
7Ukraine (2007)43.2
8Haiti (2006)36.9
9Brazil (1996)32.1
10Kazakhstan (1999)31.8
11Lesotho (2004)26
12Democratic Republic of the Congo (2007)25.6
13Ivory Coast (1998)24.7
14Cameroon (2004)24
15Colombia (2005)23.5
16Moldova (2005)22.1
17Ghana (2003)19.4
18Dominican Republic (2007)18.7
19South Asia (2007)17.35
20Zambia (2007)17.3
21Burkina Faso (2003)16.8
22Republic of the Congo (2005)15.7
23Sub-Saharan Africa (developing only) (2007)15.3
24Heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) (2007)14.91
25Tanzania (2004)13.2
26Togo (1998)13
27Uganda (2006)12.7
28Mozambique (2003)12.1
29Benin (2006)10.4
30Bolivia (2003)10.2
31Guinea (2005)10.2
32Peru (2000)9.4
33Liberia (2007)9.2
34Zimbabwe (2006)8.6
35Malawi (2004)8.6
36Kenya (2003)8.5
37Nigeria (2003)7.8
38Nepal (2006)7.7
39Vietnam (2005)7.6
40Nicaragua (2001)6.8
41Honduras (2006)6.5
42India (2006)5.6
43Rwanda (2005)5.1
44Armenia (2005)4.9
45Senegal (2005)4.9
46Jordan (2002)4.4
47Mali (2006)3.6
48Philippines (2003)3.1
49Cambodia (2005)2.6
50Uzbekistan (2002)2.5
51Chad (2004)2.4
52Madagascar (2004)2.3
53Eritrea (2002)2.1
54Ethiopia (2005)1.8
55Azerbaijan (2006)1.4
56Turkmenistan (2000)1.2
57Indonesia (2003)1.2
58Niger (2006)0.5
Country Comparison Graph