Contributing family workers, female (% of females employed) - Gender Statistics

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Contributing family workers are those workers who hold "self-employment jobs" as own-account workers in a market-oriented establishment operated by a related person living in the same household.
Contributing family workers, female (% of females employed) - Gender Statistics (Most Recent Data)




1Burkina Faso (1994)87.3
2Equatorial Guinea (1983)76.5
3Madagascar (2005)73
4Laos (2005)64.2
5Pakistan (2007)61.9
6Zambia (2000)61.8
7Bangladesh (2005)60.1
8Cambodia (2001)53.3
9Morocco (2007)51.8
10Bhutan (2005)51.7
11Vietnam (2004)47.2
12Chad (1993)44.4
13Syria (2001)44.2
14Uganda (2003)40.5
15Georgia (2005)39
16Turkey (2008)37.7
17Western Samoa (2001)35.7
18Bolivia (2002)34.8
19Tonga (1996)33.6
20Indonesia (2007)33.6
21Iran (2007)32.7
22Egypt (2006)32.6
23Senegal (1991)32.4
24Mongolia (2003)31.7
25West Bank and Gaza (2006)31.5
26Rwanda (1996)30
27Thailand (2007)29.9
28Cameroon (2001)27.2
29Lesotho (1987)25.9
30Guatemala (2002)24.5
31Sri Lanka (2007)21.7
32Sierra Leone (2004)21.6
33Fiji (2005)19.9
34Kyrgyzstan (2006)19.3
35Romania (2008)18.9
36Philippines (2007)18
37Macedonia (2007)14.9
38Cape Verde (2000)14.8
39Algeria (2004)13.6
40Zimbabwe (2002)13.6
41Tanzania (2006)13
42Nepal (2001)12.9
43Ethiopia (2006)12.7
44South Korea (2007)12.7
45North Korea (2007)12.7
46Serbia (2007)11.9
47Haiti (1990)11.2
48Ecuador (2006)11.1
49Mali (2004)10.2
50Mexico (2007)10
51Peru (2007)9.9
52El Salvador (2006)9.9
53Greece (2008)9.8
54Nicaragua (2006)9.1
55Bosnia and Herzegovina (2007)8.9
56Paraguay (2007)8.9
57Malaysia (2007)8.8
58Honduras (2005)8.3
59Brazil (2006)8.1
60Latin America & Caribbean (developing only) (2006)7.53
61Latin America & Caribbean (all income levels) (2006)7.48
62Japan (2007)7.3
63Upper middle income (2006)7.23
64Colombia (2007)6.1
65Poland (2008)5.9
66Slovenia (2008)5.4
67Europe & Central Asia (developing only) (2007)5.34
68Gabon (1993)5.3
69Mauritius (2007)4.7
70Belize (2005)4.3
71Panama (2007)4
72OECD members (2007)3.82
73Croatia (2008)3.69
74Guyana (1992)3.6
75Moldova (2007)3.4
76Maldives (2000)3.4
77Dominican Republic (2007)3.4
78Europe & Central Asia (all income levels) (2007)3.33
79Switzerland (2007)3.2
80Cyprus (2008)3
81Uruguay (2007)3
82French Polynesia (2002)3
83Chile (2007)2.8
84Costa Rica (2007)2.8
85St. Vincent and the Grenadines (1991)2.7
86Austria (2008)2.7
87Montenegro (2005)2.6
88European Union (2008)2.54
89Italy (2008)2.5
90High income: OECD (2007)2.41
91High income (2007)2.39
92Belgium (2008)2.2
93Botswana (2003)2.2
94Jamaica (2006)2.2
95Lithuania (2008)2
96Dominica (2001)1.9
97Euro area (2008)1.76
98Trinidad and Tobago (2005)1.7
99Grenada (1998)1.7
100Argentina (2006)1.6
101Suriname (1998)1.6
102Venezuela (2007)1.6
103Bulgaria (2008)1.5
104New Zealand (2007)1.5
105Swaziland (1997)1.5
106Germany (2008)1.5
107Macau (2007)1.4
108Spain (2008)1.4
109St. Lucia (2000)1.4
110Singapore (2007)1.3
111Kazakhstan (2004)1.3
112Portugal (2008)1.2
113Latvia (2008)1.2
114Namibia (2008)1.1
115Hong Kong (2007)1.1
116Netherlands Antilles (2000)1
117Czech Republic (2008)1
118Antigua and Barbuda (1991)0.9
119France (2008)0.9
120Ireland (2008)0.8
121Netherlands (2008)0.8
122Tunisia (1994)0.8
123St. Kitts and Nevis (2001)0.8
124Sao Tome and Principe (1991)0.7
125South Africa (2007)0.6
126Luxembourg (2005)0.6
127Aruba (1994)0.6
128Brunei Darussalam (1991)0.6
129United Kingdom (2008)0.5
130Denmark (2008)0.5
131Bahamas (2004)0.5
132Hungary (2008)0.5
133New Caledonia (1996)0.5
134Australia (2007)0.4
135Norway (2008)0.4
136Israel (2007)0.4
137Finland (2008)0.4
138Sweden (2008)0.3
139Ukraine (2007)0.3
140American Samoa (1990)0.3
141Yemen (1999)0.3
142Canada (2007)0.2
143Barbados (2004)0.2
144Slovakia (2008)0.2
145North America (2007)0.11
146United States (2007)0.1
147Tuvalu (2002)0.1
148Russia (2007)0.1
149San Marino (2007)0
150Iceland (2007)0
151Malta (2007)0
152Puerto Rico (2007)0
153Azerbaijan (2007)0
154United Arab Emirates (2005)0
155Estonia (2007)0
156Qatar (2004)0
157Marshall Islands (1999)0
Country Comparison Graph