Trademarks, residents - Human development - Development outcomes - African Development Indicators

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Trademark applications filed are applications for registration of a trademark with a national or regional trademark office. Trademarks are distinctive signs that identify goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise. Trademarks protect owners of the mark by ensuring exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services or to authorize its use in return for payment. Source: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), WIPO Patent Report: Statistics on Worldwide Patent Activity. The International Bureau of WIPO assumes no responsibility with respect to the transformation of these data.
Trademarks, residents - Human development - Development outcomes - African Development Indicators (Most Recent Data)




1Africa (2007)17,106
2Sub-Saharan Africa (2007)17,106
3South Africa (2007)17,106
4North Africa (2006)7,872
5Morocco (2006)5,637
6Sub-Saharan Africa excluding South Africa and Nigeria (2006)2,671
7Sub-Saharan Africa excluding South Africa (2006)2,671
8Algeria (2006)2,235
9Kenya (2006)1,451
10Nigeria (1990)1,392
11Tunisia (1996)984
12Egypt (1984)581
13Mozambique (2006)553
14Mauritius (1998)475
15Madagascar (2006)445
16Democratic Republic of the Congo (1996)312
17Ethiopia (1995)239
18Malawi (2006)222
19Zambia (2001)213
20Ghana (1994)171
21Sudan (1985)113
22Tanzania (1989)98
23Angola (1992)93
24Liberia (1993)65
25Namibia (1993)57
26Uganda (1992)26
27Sierra Leone (1995)25
28Burundi (2002)20
29Guinea (1991)20
30Seychelles (2003)16
31Lesotho (1996)15
32Somalia (1984)10
33Rwanda (1999)5
34Botswana (1982)4
35Swaziland (1980)3
36Gambia (1985)2
37Cape Verde (1992)1
38Mali (1982)1
39Zimbabwe (2001)1
Country Comparison Graph