Other taxes (current LCU) - GFS - Basic Inds. and Nat. Accts - African Development Indicators

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Other taxes include employer payroll or labor taxes, taxes on property, and taxes not allocable to other categories, such as penalties for late payment or nonpayment of taxes. Data are in current local currency. Source: International Monetary Fund, Government Finance Statistics Yearbook and data files.
Other taxes (current LCU) - GFS - Basic Inds. and Nat. Accts - African Development Indicators (Most Recent Data)




1Madagascar (2007)197,221,000,000
2Ivory Coast (2007)184,400,000,000
3Mali (2007)57,832,198,572
4Cameroon (1999)38,140,000,000
5Benin (2006)29,102,369,080
6Algeria (2007)28,911,000,000
7Senegal (2001)25,100,000,000
8Zambia (2007)23,346,992,072
9Guinea (1999)21,202,000,000
10South Africa (2007)18,991,400,000
11Republic of the Congo (2005)15,215,207,034
12Morocco (2007)14,011,000,000
13Niger (2007)13,593,904,229
14Burkina Faso (2006)10,954,878,649
15Uganda (2006)8,412,183,438
16Togo (2007)7,255,921,038
17Egypt (2007)5,985,600,000
18Kenya (2007)3,500,396,800
19Mauritius (2007)3,128,700,000
20Central African Republic (2004)2,551,000,000
21Rwanda (1992)1,210,000,000
22Burundi (1999)653,000,000
23Zimbabwe (1997)650,200,000
24Tunisia (2008)566,900,000
25Sierra Leone (1997)285,000,000
26Namibia (2003)158,000,000
27Ethiopia (2002)45,100,000
28Sudan (1999)21,900,000
29Swaziland (2003)17,277,000
30Lesotho (2007)6,619,479
31Botswana (1996)5,700,000
32Gambia (1993)3,560,000
33Seychelles (2006)16,000
34Democratic Republic of the Congo (2002)1,711
Country Comparison Graph