The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) - Membership

As of 1 June 2002, UNIDO had a membership of 169, an increase of 21 countries since 1987. The growth in membership was mainly caused by the emergence of the newly independent nations of Central and Eastern Europe in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union. A few of the most industrialized countries chose to withdraw from UNIDO, claiming that the organization is inefficiently operated. In December 1995, the US decided to withdraw, followed by Germany in November 1996 and the United Kingdom in December 1996. The UK and Germany later rejoined, but as of 2002, the United States had not.

User Contributions:

Malmi Wickramasinghe
I appreciate this organisation because I have heard about this since long time. I also like to be a volunteer in this organisation and work with them very happily. I am also a environment friendly student who is the undergraduate student in food science and technology. Environment and the industry has a direct relationship and nowadays there is a trend to apply sustainable application in every where and it is a very good implementation. I wish you all the best to continue your activities further. Thank you.

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