Liechtenstein - Labor

In 2002, there were 28,783 persons in the labor force, including 13,847 foreigners, of whom 8,231 commuted to work from Switzerland and Austria. Liechtenstein's workforce is highly skilled, but there are not enough native-born workers to meet industry's needs. The composition of the labor force was as follows: industry, commerce, and construction, 48%; services, 51%; and agriculture and forestry, 1%. Unemployment in 1999 was 1.3%.

All workers, including foreigners, are entitled to form and join unions. There is one trade union that represents about 13% of the workforce. Strikes are permitted but are not generally used. Most collective bargaining agreements are adapted from ones signed between Swiss workers and employers.

There is no minimum wage, although wages are among the highest in the world. The legal workweek is 45 hours in the industrial sector and 48 hours in non-industrial firms. The actual workweek is usually 40 to 43 hours. Occupational safety and health standards are set by the government and are rigorously enforced. The minimum working age is 16, but exceptions to this may be made for children wishing to leave school at the age of 14.

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