Marshall Islands - Media

The inter-island communications network consists of shortwave outer-island radio stations, which link all major islands and atolls. In 2001, there were 4,186 mainline telephones in use and 489 cellular phones.

The island of Ebeye is linked to Majuro by radio and also by satellite. As of 2001, there were two radio stations. The government radio station, which has advertising, relays world news from Voice of America and Radio Australia. The other station is religious. In 1997 there were an estimated 2,000 telephones on all islands. In 2002 there were two U.S. military television stations and one government-owned station. In 2001, there were only 537 Internet subscribers served by one service provider.

There are no daily newspapers. A weekly newspaper, The Marshall Islands Journal (2002 circulation 3,700), is published in Majuro in English and Marshallese. The Marshall Island Gazette, established in 1982, is a free four-page government newsletter, printed in English.

The constitution provides for free expression, and the government is said to respect these provisions in practice.

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