St. Lucia - Housing

According to the preliminary results of the 2001 census, there were 52,664 dwelling units nationwide. About 80% of these were private homes. About 41% of all dwellings were built of concrete block; 39% were built of wood. That year, 47.2% of all households were linked to a septic system; 35.3% still made use of pit latrines. About 86% had access to electricity for lighting and 58.4% were linked to a public water system. Nearly 75% of all dwellings were owner occupied. The average household had 3.3 members.

User Contributions:

Joel Allen
Dear Sirs,

What is the average price for renting a one bedroom and a two bedroom house in St. Lucia? Also, what rate of employment income tax would be applicable to an employee that is earning EC$200,000.00 in St. Lucia?

Please advise.


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