St. Kitts and Nevis - Energy and power

The government-owned electricity station supplies power to Basseterre and all rural areas. Total installed capacity was 16,000 kW in 2001. Electricity production in 2000 was 95 million kWh, entirely from conventional thermal sources. Consumption of electricity in 2000 was 88.4 million kWh. St. Kitts and Nevis has no fossil fuels, and all petroleum products must be imported. Imports of refined petroleum products in 1994 averaged about 680 barrels per day.

User Contributions:

Good morning,
I´m a student from the University of Law and Politics(Valencia, Spain) and I need information about the non-renewable energy that use the citiziens of your country.

Thank you for your time.

Your sincerely, Selena.

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