Cuba - Media

All telephone service is free; about 95% of the telephones are automatic. In 2000 there were 473,031 mainline telephones in use. In 1997 there were about 2,994 cellular phones in use. As of 1999 there were 150 AM and 5 FM radio broadcasting stations and 58 television stations operating throughout the country. In 2000 there were 353 radios and 250 television sets for every 1,000 people. In 2001, five Internet service providers served 60,000 subscribers.

Like the radio and television stations, the press is entirely controlled and owned by the government. Cuba's major newspapers are all published in Havana and include Granma, established in 1965 (with an estimated 2002 circulation of 400,000) as the official organ of the Communist party. The party also publishes weekly editions in Spanish, English, and French. The weekly Juventud Rebelde is the publication of the Union of Young Communists, and had a 2002 circulation of 250,000.

Magazines published in Havana include Bohemia (weekly, 20,000, general articles and news) and Mujeres (monthly, 250,000, women's-interest news). Prensa Latina, the Cuban wire service, covers international affairs and distributes its coverage throughout Latin America.

The constitution states that print and electronic media are state property and cannot be made private. Media operate under strict guidelines and reflect government views. The government is said to intimidate journalists through the penal system and the threatening of jobs.

User Contributions:

ojeiwa esther
it's very interesting and of vital information.please keep updating information like this because it actually aids student in research.

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