Seychelles - Housing

As of the 1997 census, Thre were about 17,599 housing units throughout the nation. Most homes were made of stone block with corrugated iron roofs (71%); others are constructed of wood frames and walls. Some rural houses were thatched. Of all housing units, 86% had flush toilets, 85% had indoor tap water, and 92% had electricity.

The Home Ownership Scheme lends money for building costs to low-income families, and the Housing Loan Fund provides loans for families who want to purchase or build their own homes. Concrete-block housing developments have been constructed.

Also read article about Seychelles from Wikipedia

User Contributions:

Some simple information like this is really helpful. Great source for my school project, will definitely use it again, and recommend it. (It's amazing how difficult it is to find the straight facts sometimes!)
Thank you! I agree with the previous comment; this was definitely useful for a school project. It would be nice if it could be a little more current though. After all, this is 2018 not 1997.

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