Senegal - Foreign trade

Export revenues doubled between 1997 and 2000. The most important commodity exports for Senegal are shellfish (20%), fish (14%), refined petroleum products (11%), peanut oil (9.7%), inorganic chemicals (6.7%), and fertilizers (crude and manufactured, 6.2%).

In 2000 Senegal's imports were distributed among the following categories:


Consumer goods 7.9%
Food 21.9%
Fuels 20.2%
Industrial supplies 26.8%
Machinery 15.2%
Transportation 8.0%

Principal trading partners in 2000 (in millions of US dollars) were as follows:


France 128 425 -297
India 85 25 60
Italy 77 48 29
Spain 44 53 -9
Netherlands 17 47 -30
China (inc. Hong Kong) 13 42 -29
Germany 11 55 -44
Nigeria n.a. 293 n.a.
Thailand n.a. 83 n.a.
United States n.a. 57 n.a.
Belgium n.a. 44 n.a.
Also read article about Senegal from Wikipedia

User Contributions:

what is the importance of importation in senegal and it is for senegal economi!!

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