Lesotho - Balance of payments

Lesotho's chronic balance-of-payments deficit was partially offset by the flow of cash and material goods from Basotho workers in South Africa, but the end of this system in 1999 caused a higher total debt than usual. Revenues from the highlands water project may offset losses.

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reports that in 2001 the purchasing power parity of Lesotho's exports was $250 million while imports totaled $720 million resulting in a trade deficit of $470 million.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) reports that in 2001 Lesotho had exports of goods totaling $279 million and imports totaling $679 million. The services credit totaled $41 million and debit $49 million. The following table summarizes Lesotho's balance of payments as reported by the IMF for 2001 in millions of US dollars.


Current Account -95
Balance on goods -400
Balance on services -8
Balance on income 179
Current transfers 135
Capital Account 17


Financial Account 89
Direct investment abroad
Direct investment in Lesotho 117
Portfolio investment assets
Portfolio investment liabilities
Other investment assets -20
Other investment liabilities -8
Net Errors and Omissions 155
Reserves and Related Items -166
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