Angola - Media

There were 69,700 telephones in 1997, with telephone service being limited to government and business use. There were 25,800 mobile cellular phones in the country in 2000. Most of the media is controlled by the state. In 2000, there were 36 AM and 7 FM radio stations and 7 television stations. Rádio Nacional de Angola broadcasts in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, and major local languages. In 2000, there were about 74 radios and 19 television sets for every 1,000 people. There is one Internet Service Provider which served about 30,000 subscribers in 2001.

There were five daily newspapers as of 2002: Jornal de Angola, with a circulation of 41,000; Provincia de Angola, 35,000; Diario da Luanda , 18,000; ABC Diario de Angola, 8,500; and Diario da Republica, circulation unknown. All were published in Portuguese in Luanda. The official government organ is the Diario da Republica.

Though a constitution provides for basic freedom of speech and press, the government is said to restrict these freedoms in practice. Journalists are intimidated into practicing self-censorship, and the government tightly restricts the main newspapers, television stations, and radio broadcasts.

Also read article about Angola from Wikipedia

User Contributions:

Victor Correia de Freitas
As a matter of interest, I would like to point out that Jornal de Angola and A Provincia de Angola, are the same newspaper. I explain: A Provincia de Angola founded in 1923 by Adolfo Pina and Antonio Correia de Freitas existed up to the independence from Portugal in 1975; then the name was changed to Jornal de Angola (still under control of the Correia de Freitas family)and later with the independence it was nationalised by the government.Also the circulation and size of the paper prior to 1975 was much bigger than it is actually.

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